Ability Health provides excellent educational programs for the Facility staff on regular basis. Following are the major topics that we cover. This service is complimentary.

Education Program for LTC Staff

  1. Basic Exercises & Gait training
  2. Body Mechanics
  3. Lift & Transfer
  4. Assistive Device program. Who requires it? Eligible criteria.
  5. Common Musculo-skeletal dysfunctions among PSW and prevention.
  6. Oh! My Neck, common neck problems among LTC employees, treatment choices and prevention.
  7. Oh! My Shoulder, common shoulder problems among LTC employees, treatment choices and prevention.
  8. Oh! My Back, common back problems among LTC employees, treatment choices and prevention.
  9. Posture, Importance of proper posture at work place.
  10. Tennis Elbow
  11. Plantar fasciitis and heel spur
  12. Repetitive strain Injury
  13. Myofascial pain, Identification, treatment choice and resolution.
  14. Arthritis, Myth and Remedy.
  15. Risk Analysis
All the in-services are done by Physiotherapist using latest audio visual media and provide handouts. Ability Health will provide certificate to all the participants.